Hi, I’m Dionisia

I collaborate with brands driven by heart-centered values and individuals seeking expansion, connection, self-discovery in order to uncover their soul's authentic purpose.

My life’s work is dedicated to blending ancient wisdom seamlessly with modern living, fostering a sense of wonder through writing and the healing arts.

As a writer for brands, I parter with like-hearted businesses, entrepreneurs, mystics and coaches in the realms of health, wellness, spirituality and the environment. I offer a genuine supportive voice to help my partners resonate authentically with their audience. 

As a facilitator of creative expression workshops, I blend breath work, guided meditations and visualizations, creative writing prompts and movement, to assist individuals in overcoming internal barriers so their words will flow effortlessly and beautifully.

Within my practice of the healing arts, I weave together various modalities such as dance, movement, free-form creative expression, Reiki, herbalism, art, and ritual to guide individuals on their spiritual paths.

Feeling into the body and listening to what it has to say is the foundation of my approach. Let me help you discover how to unlock the secret codes within so you can translate what is begging to come through as words.